Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Do you have a monthly Ladies Meeting at your church?

That is the question .......don't feel bad if you don't , and I k now many that do, but I figure tht there is some of you out there who would LIKE to have one, but you don't know where to get started.....

Well I am not perfect and have defiently not have "PERFECTED" it by no means, but I thought I would take a minute and share with you the ideas that have and are now working for me and my ladies.

This is our 3rd full year that we are beginning at NIBC and along with that is the 3rd anniversary of LOE...What is LOE - you might say, it is a group I started called LADIES OF ENCOURAGEMENT. We meet once a month and recently have had some changes in that as well ( I will share that later-) we have a luncheon on Sunday afternoons and it makes for more ladies getting to attend, as well as a wonderful time of fellowship.

Ladies of Encouragement - we strive to make it just that! a time of encouragement, where we have a devotion and a time of prayer and praise, then the fellowship . Our theme verse is Jude 1:22 And of some have compassion, making a difference.

Making a diference- isn't that why we are where we are??? God has placed us here to make a difference in people's lives - A REAL DIFFERENCE. We ( ladies) are to be the example - and let them see Jesus in us.

I recently have really become aware that CATCHING THE VISION is sooooo necessary.

CATCH THE VISION in O8 is our church theme for this year and my husband is
breaking it down like this...
The Who?
The When?
The Where?
The Why?
The How?
- right now he is on THE WHO? The Body of Christ -
IF WE ARE THE BODY.....Why aren't Hhis eyes seeing?
IF WE ARE THE BODY....Why aren't His ears hearing?
IF WE ARE THE BODY....Why aren't His mouth speaking? you see a pattern here????

Ladies I want to encourage you to strive to make a difference even if it seems like you aren't because somebody - somewhere is watchig and you truly are.

Til Next Time



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